Hematuria and other urinary symptoms


B Burning sensation

F Frequency
U Urgency
N Nocturia

H Hematuria
I Imcomplete bladder sensation
D Dribbling
E Episodes in the past?

P Painful urination/Painful CVA/Pyuria/Prostate exam in the past?
S Stream (Is it weak stream?/Straining?

Physical Examination for Hematuria:

Abdominal exam: Auscultation, Palpation, Percussion, Check for CVA tenderness.
Cardiovascular exam: Auscultation
Pulmonary exam: Auscultation

Differential Diagnosis for Hematuria:

Nephrolithiasis: Suddenonset of flank pain radiating to the groin, scrotum or vulva, hematuria, dark urin, N/V.
Bladder Cancer: History of taking cydophosphamide, weight loss, older age.
BPH: older age, dysuria, frequency, urgency, Nocturia, dobbling, weak stream, maybe hematuria
Prostate Cancer: older age, Long history of chronic frequenxy, urgencym nocturia, dribbling, weak stream, weigh loss, hematuria
Polycystic kidnery disease: family history, history of HTN, Abdominal mass, Hematuria
Renal Cell Carcinoma: Hematuria, weight loss, older age
Glomerulon ephritis: Hematuria, HTN, Edema
IgA nephropathy: most common glomerulonephritis, gross hematuria after 1 to 2 days upper respiratory.
Pyelonephritis: Dysuria, fever, flank pain, hematuria, Positive CVA tenderness
UTI: Dysuria, frequency, urgency, pelvic pain, hematuria.
Coagulation disorder: history of bruising.

Diagnostic Work up for Hematuria

Genital exam
Rectal exam (check for BPH or Prostate Cancer)
Urine Culture
Urine cytology
Kidney ultrasound
CT of abdomen/pelvis