CVA tenderness sign
- A patient presenting with upper right quadrant pain/tenderness
- Concern for cholecystitis. Present of CVA tenderness indicate urinary tract infection, especially UTIs that affect the upper urinary system such as the ureters and kidney.
- The examiner first applies gentle pressure to the region at costo-verbral angle at 12 ribs any CVA tenderness often indicates kidney pathology.
- Positive:
- The patient experiences pain/tenderness when you
applying gentle tabbing on
- The patient experiences pain/tenderness when you
- Negative:
- The patient is feels no significant pain/tenderness.
Diagnostic Accuracy
- Sensitivity: 44% – 97%
- Specificity: 48% – 96%
- Likelihood ratios:
- Positive test: 2.0
- Negative test: nonsignificant
- In older patients
- Sensitivity: 48%
- Specificity: 79%
- Positive predictive value: 0.58